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Tag Archives: Health

Health benefits of bilberries

Let’s get to know bilberry, one of the most beneficial fruits that helps maintain eye health. Bilberries is one of the berries and is a very beneficial fruit. It is rich in nutritional value and many important nutrients, including tannins, flavonoids, glucoquinone, vitamins, minerals, and

Self-care for foot cramps.

Foot cramps are a symptom that many people have experienced. Although this symptom is usually not harmful to health, it can cause quite a bit of pain, which can interfere with daily activities. Muscle cramp is common in people of all ages, especially athletes or

Health benefits of quinoa.

Quinoa contains several plant compounds that may benefit health in several ways. Quercetin and kaempferol are two flavonoid plant compounds that have been particularly well studied. These are the main flavonoids found in quinoa. Quercetin and kaempferol have anti-inflammatory qualities and act as antioxidants in the body. Meaning they

Choosing a sunscreen.

Choosing a sunscreen may be difficult when there’s so many options on the market. You can start by looking for those of at least SPF 30 for body. For low exposure to the sun, a moisturizer or makeup with a base of SPF 15 built

What is a whole-foods, plant-based diet?

There is no clear definition of a what constitutes a whole-foods, plant-based diet (WFPB diet). The WFPB diet is not necessarily a set diet — it’s more of a lifestyle. This is because plant-based diets can vary greatly depending on the extent to which a

What are proteins and why is it important?

Proteins are the main building blocks of your body. They’re used to make muscles, tendons, organs, and skin. As well as enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, and various molecules that serve many important functions สมัคร ufabet Proteins consist of smaller molecules called amino acids, which link together

“Towels” are a source of germs

Towels are one of the things that harbor germs. But we often overlook and don’t give much importance to cleanliness. Many people tend to clean their homes, shoes, and clothes frequently. But they often forget and don’t pay attention to nearby items such as towels that accumulate a lot